Plant & Pest Advisory» All Fruit Articles


Spotted Wing Drosophila Fact Sheets

From Penn State Extension
-Kathy Demchak & Dave Biddinger, Penn State University;
and Bryan Butler, University of Maryland
  • Part 1: Overview and Identification Briefly summarizes the concern surrounding spotted wing drosophila. The fact sheet contains photographs that illustrate in detail the differences between SWD adults and other local fruit fly species that could be mistaken for SWD. 
  • Part 2: Natural History This fact sheet discusses the life cycle of SWD in detail, along with explaining how environmental conditions and nearby crops can affect presence and numbers of SWD. 
  • Part 3: Monitoring Covers how to monitor for SWD adults in fields, and SWD larvae in fruit. The fact sheet also provides details on how to store and ship samples should identification from others be needed. 
  • Part 4: Management Discusses cultural practices for minimizing populations, and chemical options that will provide effective control for growers of susceptible crops.
Funding: Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center
Submitted by Jack Rabin

This week in the Plant & Pest Advisory: 8-14-2012

Plant & Pest Advisory - Fruit Edition (printable pdf):
  • Apple Maturity - Fruit Maturing Early
Win Cowgill, Suzanne Sollner-Figler, & Ben Cowgill
  • Fruit IPM Report
Dean Polk, David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio, & Atanas Atanassov
  • Constriction Canker Management on Peach: Cultural Control
Norman Lalancette
  • Black Light Traps for Monitoring BMSB
Anne Nielson
  • Gloucester County 4-H Fair Results
Jerry Frecon
Constriction cankers on ‘Jerseyglo’ peach.
Young cankers (top and bottom) and older canker (middle) are centered
about the leaf node. Note slight constriction of twig diameter on bottom canker.

Subscription information for the Plant & Pest Advisory.

Black Light Traps for Monitoring BMSB

Anne Nielson, PhD, Assistant Extension Specialist in Fruit Entomology, Win Cowgill, Professor and County Agricultural Agent

 We are researching the best monitoring methods for BMSB in a variety of crops.

Fruit IPM Report August 14, 2012

-Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Invasive Species
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Trap Counts

North Jersey Apple Maturity Report

North Jersey Apple Maturity Report, Retain and NAA Stop Drop
Win Cowgill, Professor and County Agricultural Agent,
Suzanne Sollner-Figler, Research Assistant,
Ben Cowgill, Visiting Scholar

Apple blocks in Northern New Jersey appear to be maturing significantly early this year. Several McIntosh blocks are very close to harvest, followed by Gala strains. Honeycrisp appears to be dragging just a bit as to the other two.