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Retain Harvest Management Simplified and Summarized

By Mike Farigone, Cornell Extension Educator Notes and Comments from Win Cowgill for NJ conditions Reprinted from Tree Fruit Grower Alert Message – Tuesday, July 24, 2012

 Mike and I concur that there are lots of scenarios and opinions on how to use this product. Here are our efforts to simplify the use of Retain

Painless and Efficient Maturity Testing

Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent
Jon Clements, Extension Tree Fruit Educator, University of Massachusetts 

     Our observation has been that few growers utilize the Starch Index (SI) method of determining harvest maturity. Perhaps SI testing is perceived as time consuming and difficult to properly judge. We contend, however, that SI testing is the best and easiest indicator of apple maturity that a grower can use to plan their harvest and storage regimes.