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Fruit IPM Report August 14, 2012

-Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Invasive Species
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Trap Counts

Invasive Species

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): In both peaches and apples, activity is increasing in blocks being harvested and around orchard edges, mostly in southern counties. Most of the nymphs that were present earlier in the season have now matured into adults. This higher population of motile adults is moving in and out of orchards, feeding and laying more eggs. More nymphs are being found along with hatching egg masses. Alternate middle sprays about 5-7 days apart are most important now. Scout your orchard for damage and bug presence. Observations continue to indicate that this insect tends to stay localized within a crop, but damage can be significant when moderate to large populations are present. Blocks near woodlines or field crops such as corn or soybeans are more likely to be injured. Make sure to check edge rows, since most of the insects come in from other hosts. Also scout orchard canopies since we continue to find elevated levels of injury in the tops of trees.

Control of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): All insecticides used at this point for all insects, should be effective BMSB materials, and have a 14 day (central and northern counties) or less PHI.

Use the following table as a guide:
Late Season BMSB Materials – Alternate Middle Applications Every 7 Days
Material Rate/A PHI – Peach/Nec PHI - Apple
Scorpion 5 oz 3 3
Venom 3 oz 3 3
Leverage 2.8 oz 7 7
Lannate SP 1 lb 4/1 14
Lannate LV 3 pt 4/1 14
Danitol 16 oz 3 14
Brigade WSB 16-32 oz 14 14
Bifenture EC 12.8 fl oz 14 14
Bifenture 10DF 16-32 oz 14 14
Warrior II 2.56 oz 14 21
Lamba Cyhalothrin 5.12 oz 14 21
Baythroid 2.8 oz 7 7
Note: Higher rate work better under greater BMSB pressure. Bifenthrin (Brigade and Bifenture) work best at the .2 lb ai/A rate, listed as 32, oz, 12.8 fl oz, and 32 oz/A


Oriental Fruit Moth(OFM): Any moths that are in pheromone traps are 4th generation, for which there is no reliable model. Insecticides should only be applied if the trap count is above 6-8 males per trap, and the harvest date is at least 2 weeks away. In southern counties the latest peach varieties are 10 days to 2 weeks out, and 2-3+ weeks out in central and northern counties. The major pest at this time is brown marmorated stink bug.

Tufted Apple Budmoth (TABM): Any treatments applied for BMSB (above) will also control TABM.


Codling Moth (CM): Overall trap counts are low, but captures above 5 males per trap indicate a problematic 3rd generation. Treatments for BMSB should control any emerging codling moth issues.

Summer Diseases: Summer disease pressure is high from a change to a more humid and wet weather pattern. Pristine remains the best option to weather extended rainfall but protection will be limited whenever heavy rainfall exceeds 2 inches in total. Topsin/Captan followed by Captan/Flint combinations are the next best options. Higher volumes of water may help to improve coverage. Whichever program is used tight schedules every 7-10 days will afford the best possible control during periods of frequent rainfall.


Grape Berry Moth (GBM): The next predicted timings for 3rd brood applications using Intrepid is on or about 8/23 in southern counties if using Intrepid. Damage from the second brood has been very low in southern counties.

Captures Southern Counties
7/7 6 3
7/14 2 3
7/21 1 6
7/28 1 14
8/4 1 10
8/11 3 5

Trap Counts

Tree Fruit Insect Trap Counts – Southern Counties
3/24 2 3 0.17
3/31 2 27 0.28
4/07 7 2 0.14
4/14 3 0 24 0.34 0
4/21 9 0.3 11 49 2 0
4/28 5 1 12 52 2 1
5/5 4 1 4 13 0 1 39
5/12 2 9 10 11 0 6 60
5/19 4 13 5 6 1 15 12
5/26 8 20 6 6 0 26 47
6/2 33 16 5 5 58 1 30 39 0
6/9 13 12 3 2 60 0 13 60 1
6/16 7 5 2 3 37 0 5 21 2
6/23 47 2 1 1 51 0 2 35 3
6/30 22 0 1 2 29 0 1 19 2
7/7 15 0 3 2 21 1 1 5 0
7/14 23 1 4 4 14 0 2 7 0
7/21 35 1 3 4 8 0 2 28 2
7/21 35 1 3 4 8 0 2 28 2
7/28 18 2 5 2 47 1 2 12 4
8/4 28 1 4 2 18 1 2 22 3
8/11 5 1 4 0 8 1 1 13 0

Tree Fruit Insect Trap Counts – Northern Counties
3/24 15 0
3/31 51 0
4/07 71 0
4/14 88 0 1.8
4/21 202 0.0 0.0 6.7
4/28 56 8.2 0.0 6.9
5/5 9 2.5 0.4 1.2 0.1 0 0
5/12 21 7.1 4.6 1.2 3.2 11.7 0
5/19 18 6.9 9.3 0 1.4 7.9 24.8 0
5/26 9 7.9 11.8 7.3 8.0 0.7 14.0 24.2 0
6/2 163 5.4 14.2 8.8 6.7 0.5 17.2 18.1 0.2
6/9 114 3.3 21.2 5.8 21.3 0.4 23.9 10.8 0.5
6/16 76 4.1 19.1 5.8 10.3 0.3 22.9 9.4 0.3
6/23 135 2.4 14.9 0 4.0 7.0 0.5 16.7 5.1 0.1
6/30 146 1.3 7.8 0 5.0 1.3 1.4 10.4 4.1 0.8
7/7 85 1.3 2.4 0 1.3 0.5 1.0 5.9 7.2 1.1
7/14 210 2.8 1.4 0 7.0 2.0 3.0 2.1 5.8 1.3
7/21 283 2.6 1.0 0 2.0 4.0 1.4 2.9 3.7 0.9
7/28 93 3.3 2.5 0 1.8 2.0 1.1 2.9 3.3 1.3
8/4 71 3.5 2.2 0 1.5 3.0 1.7 2.4 4.6 1.5
8/11 89 2.9 1.7 0 1.5 1.0 2.7 2.4 2.7 3.8