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Peach IPM Report - April 17

  • Oriental Fruit Moth
  • Green Peach Aphid
  • Thrips
  • Plum Curculio
  • Stink Bug & Other Catfacing Insects
  • Peach Diseases
Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM

    Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): According to the Skybit degree day accumulations, spray dates for the first generation are as follows, revised since last week:

    County / Region 1st Spray Date 2nd Spray Date
    Gloucester – Southern 4/9-13 4/22-4/24
    Monmouth – Central 4/17-20
    Hunterdon - Northern 4/23-27

    Growers who wish to employ mating disruption for OFM should begin placing ties or including sprayable pheromone in cover sprays once the first generation flight “bottoms out” as indicated by trap captures. This should be during the first to second week of May. Populations vary from orchard to orchard. See the production guide for more information regarding mating disruption for OFM.

    Green Peach Aphid (GPA): Aphid colonies are present in a few orchards, however only a few blocks in southern counties have populations which are above a treatment threshold. Only very low populations were seen in northern counties.

    Thrips including western flower thrips: Thrips were found feeding on young Nectarine fruitlets in one orchard in Gloucester County. Effective materials include Delegate and Lannate. Several pyrethroids like permethrin will suppress thrips populations.

    Plum Curculio (PC): PC adults usually begin egg laying sometime in late April or early May. Where control is poor fresh egg scars can be found on border rows, especially near wooded or trashy areas. This season, egg laying is occurring now, and will continue for the next several weeks. Preferred materials that offer PC control now are Actara, Avaunt, and Imidan. If using high rates of a neonicotinoid (i.e. Actara, Belay, Assail), be aware that there is a synergistic effect when used in tank mixes with DMI materials (i.e. Rally) with regard to bee toxicity. If pyrethroids are being used, then high rates are advisable, since low rates often do not control this insect, especially in hot weather. Growers should rotate away from pyrethroid insecticides if possible.

    Stink Bugs and Other Catfacing Insects: These pests will become more of an issue as temperatures warm and mowing and other ground cover activities become more common. General spray timing at this time of year should still be targeted for Oriental Fruit Moth and/or Plum Curculio (PC). Most materials, except the diamides (Altacor, Belt, Tourismo) used for these pests will have some efficacy for plant bugs.

    Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): BMSB are starting to move out of their overwintering sites, but no activity has been seen in agricultural areas yet. Experimental traps are being placed this week in several locations. More on BMSB later.

    Peach Diseases: Once the shucks are completely off growers can safely switch to sulfur based programs for brown rot control. Where peach scab has been a problem, coverage with captan or another very effective scab control material should be continued. Where rusty spot has been a problem, fungicide applications targeting this disease should continue until pit hardening (see scouting calendar).