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Mark Chien's Wine Grape Information for the Region

Notes from the newsletter follow.
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  • Pennsylvania Research Symposium on May 23 at Penn State
  • Grape IPM guides and information
  • BIG research at work: solving grape growing and wine making challenges
  • Do you know eViticulture?
Penn Research Symposium: To be held Wednesday, May 23rd, 8:30am to 5:30pm. Get up to date on the latest in V & E research from around the region including controlling vine vigor in the Eastern US, YAN and fermentation, cold climate viticulture practices, spotted wing drosophila and grape berry moth, sensory and wine chemistry research at Penn State, and a tasting of wines from the wine grape variety trial.

Grape IPM Guides: Changing weather patterns make for a challenging season. "After a burst of warm weather it has cooled considerably which can cause new and emerging shoots to stall, leaving them susceptible to damage from insects and diseases, and early spring nutrient deficiencies."
Recommended IPM guides mentioned:
Big Research at Work - solving grape growing and wine making challenges:
Two significant multi-region trans-disciplinary projects funded by the USDA-NIFA Specialty Crops Research Initiative are underway in the East:
e-Viticulture: A collaboration of viticulture extension educators to place collective knowledge and experience in one place.