Plant & Pest Advisory» All Fruit Articles

Search Assists Growers in Variety Selection

-Win Cowgill, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station & Jon Clements, UMass – Amherst is a new website designed to assist apple growers in variety and cultivar selection for new orchard plantings. It is also designed to provide a location for anyone conducting cooperative apple evaluation and testing to report and archive their findings using a unified protocol for apple variety fruit and trees.

This Week in the Plant & Pest Advisory: 12-11-2012

Plant & Pest Advisory - Fruit Edition (printable pdf)
  • African Fig Fly
  • Cultural Control of Apple Scab
  • Mid Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention and Trade Show: Rutgers Faculty Speakers; Wine Grape Program; Fresh Apple Cider Contest

Cultural Control of Apple Scab

-Win Cowgill
For growers that have had trouble with apple scab there are two things that you can do now to prevent disease pressure next spring: mowing and spraying urea on the ground on the falling leaves.
Two fact sheets outline the details and are worth review:
Reducing Apple Scab Risks and Saving Scab Sprays (UMass)
Reduction of overwintering inoculum in orchards with apple scab (MSU)

NJ Fruit Crop Insurance Deadline: November 20

-Win Cowgill and David L. Lee

All fruit growers should note that November 20, 2012 Is the Deadline
for Fruit Crop Insurance in New Jersey

Important Dates
  • Sales Closing Tree Fruit, Blueberries and NAP - November 20, 2012 for 2013 crop
  • Production Report Due for 2012 - January 13, 2013
  • Acreage Report Due for 2012 - January 15, 2013
  • New Jersey producers who grow apples, peaches, blueberries, and cranberries who are interested in crop insurance must contact a crop insurance agent well  before November 20, 2012.
Peach      Apple      Blueberry      Wine Grapes

2013-14 Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide Now Available

From Fruit Times, October 29, 2012. Kathy Demchak, Penn State Extension

The 2013-14 Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide is now available both in print and on-line. The guide has contributors from Penn State University, Rutgers University, The University of Delaware, The University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, West Virginia University and USDA-ARS.

Fall Soil Testing

- Dan Kluchinski
Fall is a good time of year to evaluate the past season’s successes and failures and plan strategies for the season ahead. 

Give special consideration to determining soil nutrient levels and examining weed problems and infestations. Through proper record keeping, planning, and evaluation, you can better handle some of the effects of the previous growing season. 

Year of The Stink Bug?

Jon Clements, Extension Educator, UMASS

Reprinted from Healthy Fruit, Volume 20, Number 19. September 18, 2012

Editors Note: I have been seeing a large number of the native brown stink bug on ripening apples feeding on Asian pears at the Rutgers Snyder farm, as confirmed yesterday by our fruit IPM Program Associate, Dr. Atanas Atanassov

I have observed an incredible number of stink bugs in recently unsprayed peach orchards and to a lesser extent in apples. These are green and brown stink bugs, not the feared brown marmorated stink bug, BMSB (yet). But these stink bugs feed on fruit too and can cause economic damage if left unchecked.

Quoting from Michael Fargione’s e-mail news out of the Hudson Valley: “Stink bugs (particularly green stink bug and brown marmorated stink bug) are now causing significant economic damage to apples and pears in some blocks in our region. Growers should examine harvested fruit in the bins and scout unharvested blocks, particularly in Orange and Ulster Counties. Rapid treatment with an effective material like Danitol (10 2/3 to 21 1/3 oz per acre, 14 day PHI) or another effective, labeled pyrethroid or pyrethroid pre-mix is warranted if scouting shows the presence of stink bugs or fruit damage (bugs can be harder to find) and sufficient PHI exists.

Entomologist Peter Jentsch has speculated that evening treatments may be more effective as these insects tend to be more active migrating and feeding at night.” I have found the new website: to be especially Useful for BMSB information, you should check it out.

Editors Note: it appears our BMSB populations are down for some reason. As the BMSB starts to cluster for the fall our observations and injury usually go up. Growers should be vigilant on late ripening blocks.

Editor Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent

Apple Maturity Update 9/11 for North-Central New Jersey

-Win Cowgill, Suzanne Solner- Figler, Rebecca Magron
Later varieties have colored this last week and sugars remain high across the board for varieties and location as measured by BRIX. In all the blocks I visited the last Fruit continues to mature days early for most cultivars. Cool night temperatures in the 40’s last night with sunny days have triggered good color development. Sunny days and cool nights in the fifties forecast all week should bring on great color.

Spray Cherries for Bacterial Canker

Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent

 Bacterial Canker continues to be a serious bacterial disease of cherry in New Jersey as well as all other regions where the climate is humid.


Join us for a tour of the Rutgers Snyder Farm research plots on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 from 5:00 – 8:45 pm rain or shine

Featured will be a Fruit Variety Showcase, Crop Insurance Updates, and tours and discussions of fruit, vegetable and other crop plot.

Foliar Nitrogen for Sweet Cherry Now for Increased Yields in 2013

Win Cowgill, Area Fruit Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension

 Foliar applications of Urea nitrogen have been shown to aid fruit size in sweet cherry and increase cold hardiness.

This week in the Plant & Pest Advisory: 8-21-2012

Plant & Pest Advisory - Fruit Edition (printable pdf):
  • Apple Maturity - Fruit Maturing Early. Updates on McIntosh, Gala, Blondee, Honeycrisp, & Early Fuji Strains
  • Fruit IPM Report
  • Field Report from Bill Sciarappa: Images of Hail Damage
  • Excerpts from Timely Viticulture (University of Maryland) and Wine Grape Information for the Region (Penn State)

Fruit IPM Report August 21,2012

-Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Late Season Pests
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Trap Counts

Spotted Wing Drosophila Fact Sheets

From Penn State Extension
-Kathy Demchak & Dave Biddinger, Penn State University;
and Bryan Butler, University of Maryland
  • Part 1: Overview and Identification Briefly summarizes the concern surrounding spotted wing drosophila. The fact sheet contains photographs that illustrate in detail the differences between SWD adults and other local fruit fly species that could be mistaken for SWD. 
  • Part 2: Natural History This fact sheet discusses the life cycle of SWD in detail, along with explaining how environmental conditions and nearby crops can affect presence and numbers of SWD. 
  • Part 3: Monitoring Covers how to monitor for SWD adults in fields, and SWD larvae in fruit. The fact sheet also provides details on how to store and ship samples should identification from others be needed. 
  • Part 4: Management Discusses cultural practices for minimizing populations, and chemical options that will provide effective control for growers of susceptible crops.
Funding: Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center
Submitted by Jack Rabin

This week in the Plant & Pest Advisory: 8-14-2012

Plant & Pest Advisory - Fruit Edition (printable pdf):
  • Apple Maturity - Fruit Maturing Early
Win Cowgill, Suzanne Sollner-Figler, & Ben Cowgill
  • Fruit IPM Report
Dean Polk, David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio, & Atanas Atanassov
  • Constriction Canker Management on Peach: Cultural Control
Norman Lalancette
  • Black Light Traps for Monitoring BMSB
Anne Nielson
  • Gloucester County 4-H Fair Results
Jerry Frecon
Constriction cankers on ‘Jerseyglo’ peach.
Young cankers (top and bottom) and older canker (middle) are centered
about the leaf node. Note slight constriction of twig diameter on bottom canker.

Subscription information for the Plant & Pest Advisory.

Black Light Traps for Monitoring BMSB

Anne Nielson, PhD, Assistant Extension Specialist in Fruit Entomology, Win Cowgill, Professor and County Agricultural Agent

 We are researching the best monitoring methods for BMSB in a variety of crops.

Fruit IPM Report August 14, 2012

-Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Invasive Species
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Trap Counts

North Jersey Apple Maturity Report

North Jersey Apple Maturity Report, Retain and NAA Stop Drop
Win Cowgill, Professor and County Agricultural Agent,
Suzanne Sollner-Figler, Research Assistant,
Ben Cowgill, Visiting Scholar

Apple blocks in Northern New Jersey appear to be maturing significantly early this year. Several McIntosh blocks are very close to harvest, followed by Gala strains. Honeycrisp appears to be dragging just a bit as to the other two.

Bird Netting Summary for Winegrape

From Wine Grape Information for Pennsylvania and the Region
Mark Chien, Penn State Cooperative Extension

Bird Netting Summary 

Alice Wise & Libby Tarleton, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
August, 2012

We have felt that color development definitely draws birds. Many times we have observed panels of reds such as Pinot Noir starting veraison. We come back literally the next day and all the red berries are gone. This has happened several times. We know this damage was inflicted by birds due to the bird activity in the vineyard as well as the presence of pecked fruit.

Retain Harvest Management Simplified and Summarized

By Mike Farigone, Cornell Extension Educator Notes and Comments from Win Cowgill for NJ conditions Reprinted from Tree Fruit Grower Alert Message – Tuesday, July 24, 2012

 Mike and I concur that there are lots of scenarios and opinions on how to use this product. Here are our efforts to simplify the use of Retain

Painless and Efficient Maturity Testing

Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent
Jon Clements, Extension Tree Fruit Educator, University of Massachusetts 

     Our observation has been that few growers utilize the Starch Index (SI) method of determining harvest maturity. Perhaps SI testing is perceived as time consuming and difficult to properly judge. We contend, however, that SI testing is the best and easiest indicator of apple maturity that a grower can use to plan their harvest and storage regimes.

Spotted Wing Drosophila Found in Small Fruit

-Anne Nielsen, Specialist Fruit Entomology

Spotted Wing Drosophila
Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) is another invasive fruit pest that has been found in NJ.

Fruits such as caneberries, blueberries, and grapes are at highest risk and in New Jersey we have found infested blueberries and now caneberries. We are currently trying to identify the risk for peaches and critical periods for grapes.

Fruit IPM Report July 17, 2012

-Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Blueberry
  • Scouting Calendar
  • Trap Counts
Download Fruit IPM Report as pdf.

As I See It- Heat Stress, Sunburn, Bitter Rot on Apples

-Win Cowgill

The past week of extreme temperatures in the 90’s has caused injury to many apples. Some cultivars are more sensitive than others.

As I See It - Heat Event, Sunburn Materials for Apple and Return Bloom

Win Cowgill- County Agricultural Agent

We are expecting extreme temperatures for 2-4 days rising into the 90’s on Wednesday and Thursday and maybe longer.

Mike Farigone, extension educator Cornell warns:

“Be aware of the danger of applying spray materials under hot, slow drying conditions. To limit damage, avoid applying sulfur and any kind of salt, including calcium sprays, until the weather cools a bit. Also limit the number of products, particularly adjuvants (including oil) that you add to the tank at any one time. Prior to this heat would be a good time to test one of the sunburn-preventative materials on a few Honeycrisp, Cameo and other very sunburn-susceptible apple cultivars. Work done in Washington State suggests that (in their dry climate) air temperatures as low as 93 degrees can result in fruit damage as fruit surface temperatures in the sun will be 20+ degrees warmer than air temperatures.”  My guidance is never spray above 85F!

Sunburn Materials

I have used Surround Clay for the past 6 years as a sunburn material on Honeycrisp with good success. We have also evaluated Pure Shade and it has worked well. Pure Shade was purchased by the Surround people.

The secret with these materials is to get them applied prior to the heat events. For Surround apply 50lbs / 100 gallons tree row volume dilute the first application. You then layer it on with subsequent applications at 25lbs/100. It may take 2-3 applications for full coverage.

Surround also has the added benefit of repelling Japanese beetles on Honeycrisp apples and may assist with BMSB as well. We are hand thinning Honeycrisp today at the Rutgers Snyder Farm and then will apply Surround to all Honeycrisp and Cameo apples.

Apple Return Bloom - Ethephon 

Continue your weekly ethephon or NAA sprays but do not apply in the heat due for the next few days. Wait for the temperatures to break. Ethephon applied over 85F or if temps rise above 85F up to 3 days after application can be problematic. Caution: Ethephon applications at high temperatures and high rates can de-fruit trees, Temperatures over 85F can cause severe fruit drop.

See our Fact Sheet on Return Bloom

Distinguishing Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Injury in Stone Fruit

-Dave Schmitt, Program Associate Rutgers Fruit IPM

Typical cat-facing injury on stone fruit always starts with a small puncture, followed by bleeding from the wound. At this time of the year there are several conditions that can cause similar symptoms. Because controlling Brown Marmorated Stinkbug (BMSB) requires a radical departure from traditional IPM programs, its important make sure that the injury is identified correctly before applying a remedy. The following picture essay should help to make the distinctions between
  • BMSB Injury 
  • Tarnished Plant Bug Injury
  • Bacterial Spot

As I See it: Powdery Mildew, New Apples-Fireblight and Thinning, Tree Training

Win Cowgill - Professor and Area Fruit Agent
This weekend brought high temperatures and peaches are starting to grow and size in response to the warm weather. Peaches like warm!

Disease Observations for the 2012 Season

-Norman Lalancette, Tree Fruit Pathologist
All plant pathology field studies at the Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Upper Deerfield have control treatment trees as part of their experimental design. These control trees, like all other treatment trees in each cultivar block, receive the necessary insecticide applications to combat insect pests. However, unlike the various treatment trees, the controls do not receive any fungicide or bactericide applications. Thus, disease levels on control trees are excellent indicators of the disease pressure in any given season.
Sporulating blossom blight canker in peach

Some observations for this season so far:

As I See it- Powdery Mildew, Apple Scab, Fireblight and Thinning

Win Cowgill - County Agricultural Agent

This seasons strange weather has made disease control and apple chemical thinning difficult at best. We are seeing an extensive amount of apple powdery mildew in north Jersey orchards.

BMSB Activity in Orchards

-Anne L Nielsen, Ph.D., Specialist in Fruit Entomology

The early warm temperatures have given some pests a "jump" on the season. But temperature is not the only factor influencing insect development. Our new Fruit Entomologist, Anne Nielsen, explains the science behind why - despite early season warm temperatures - we are not seeing Brown Marmorated Stink Bug reproduction pushed to earlier dates.

Fruit IPM Update for May 15, 2012

Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Peach 
  • Apple 
  • Pear 
  • Blueberry

As I See It: Apple Thinning, Disease, and Peach Freeze Damage

-Win Cowgill, Agricultural Agent

This past weekend brought bright sun and warmer temperatures by Sunday. Many North Jersey Growers were doing more apple thinning including myself. Sunday was used to cover all apples with a very late petal fall insecticide for plum curculio (PC), fungicide and Strep. We saw the first PC activity on Monday morning at Rutgers Snyder Farm.

Fruit IPM Update for May 8, 2012

Fresh bacterial spot lesions (L)
Older established lesions (R)
Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Blueberry

Fruit IPM Update - May 1, 2012

Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Blueberry
See updated Scouting Calendar and Trap Counts

High Tunnel Raspberry & Blackberry Production Guide

From Cathy Heidenreich, Cornell University
The 2012 edition of this guide includes a new section on multiple-bay tunnel production, additional crop budgets, and new information on varieties, pests, and diseases.

Note: For additional New Jersey high tunnel information see,  High Tunnels

Mark Chien's Wine Grape Information for the Region

Notes from the newsletter follow.
To subscribe to full newsletter, go to
  • Comments from the field
  • How to treat a frosted shoot
  • New Grape Grower Workshop
  • PA Grape and Wine Research Meeting: May 23 State College, PA
  • Developing a Vineyard Labor Force
  • Webinars: Intrarow Cover Crops & Other Practices to Alter Vine Growth and Canopy Architecture; Vineyard Floor Management: May 10, 3-4:30pm.
    Contact Libby Tarleton, Cornell Viticulture Extension at or call 631-727-3595

As I See It: Cold Injury, Fireblight and Apple Thinning

by Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent

This has been a tough spring to figure out what to do next. You can see by the title of this article there are a number of issues to deal with for the next few days. My trees have virtually stood still for the past five days. I had first bloom on apple at Rutgers Snyder Farm on April 11. It's been a long draw out bloom and of most concern is that every tree I have still has open bloom and some pink clusters, mostly on one year wood, but they are there none the less.

Freeze Warning for Northwest NJ

-Win Cowgill

Smudge pot and open burning permits for freeze protection on farms have once again been authorized Friday night Aprit 27, 2012 and each night through Monday morning.

See Crop Protection: Procedures for Open Burning and the Use of Smudge Pots Pertaining to New Jersey Fruit, Vegetables, and Floriculture.

2nd North Jersey Fruit Meeting for Commercial Growers

Thursday, May 3, 2012 6pm to 8:45pm 
Phillips Farm, 91 Crabapple Hill Road Milford, NJ 08848 

 RSVP to Register with Diana Boesch for this Second North Jersey Fruit Growers Meeting. 
This meeting is for commercial growers only. 
See flyer for Phillips Farm Orchard Tour details and meeting agenda. 
Pesticide recertification credits awarded at the end of the program.

Blueberry IPM Report - April 24, 2012

Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM

Cranberry Weevil (CBW): Although the weevil does not really pose a risk at this point, they are still present in our samples. We found them at low numbers in 26% of beating tray samples.

Lepidoptera larvae (Worms): Beating tray samples have shown 25% positive for various species. The most common larvae are several species of green Fruitworm. All levels are under treatment levels. One field was seen with slightly higher numbers of sawfly larvae.

Plum Curculio (PC): About 9% of samples are positive for PC adults. As expected this is an increase since last week, and should increase until insecticide use is resumed after bees are removed.

Thrips: Beating tray samples of blossom clusters have been done at many locations. Thrips are present, but at very low numbers.

Aphids: These are just starting to show up, and are not a concern.

Cranberry Fruitworm (CBFW): The first adult moths were captured on 4/17 in Burlington County. Only a small number of sites are showing early activity.

Mummy Berry: No shoot strikes have been seen in scouted fields as of this writing.

See Blueberry Insect Trap Captures

Apple IPM Report - April 24, 2012

  • Codling Moth
  • Aphids
  • Spotted Tentiform Leafminer
  • Plum Curculio
  • European Red Mite
  • Apple Scab
  • Fireblight
Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM

Peach IPM Report - April 24, 2012

  • Oriental Fruit Moth
  • Tarnished Plant Bugs & Stink Bugs
  • Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
  • Plum Curculio
  • Green Peach Aphid
  • Bacterial Spot
  • Lesser Peachtree Borer
Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM

Pesticide Inventories Due to Local Fire Company by May 1

From Pat Hastings, 
Rutgers NJAES Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator

All licensed pesticide applicators, as well as dealers, who store pesticides are required by law to send a copy of their storage inventor(ies) with an explanatory cover letter to the local fire company by May 1st each year.

Pollinator Health: Neonicotinoids and Bees

-Cesar Rodriguez-Saona
-Dean Polk

Controversy has emerged from recent publications pointing out at possible linkages between neonicotinoid insecticides and honey bee die-offs. Here we would like to comment on our current position on the use of neonicotinoids in blueberries in New Jersey.

Early-Season Temperatures Affect Peach Fruit Size

From Fruit Times
Rich Marini, Penn State Plant Science
We have known for more than 80 years that post-bloom temperatures can influence harvest date, but not until recently have we realized that post-bloom temperatures can also affect fruit size at harvest.
What might we expect in 2012? 

Cherry Planting Systems and High Tunnel Production Demonstration Workshop

-Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent

Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension will host a hands-on workshop on the afternoon of April 24, 2012 to demonstrate dwarf cherry production in a high tunnel system.
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about and see the installation of a Haygrove high tunnel over Cornell’s sweet cherry planting system trial at the Crist Home Farm, in Walden, Orange County, NY.
The meeting agenda includes:

Tree Fruit Fungicide Update: Inspire Super

-Norman Lalancette, Ph.D., Specialist in Tree Fruit Pathology
The new Inspire Super label has much broader fruit crop coverage than the original MP product. In addition to disease control on pome fruit (apple, crabapple, loquat, mayhaw, European and Asian pear, and quince), Inspire Super is also labeled for use on stone fruit (apricots, tart cherry, nectarine, peach, plum, plumcot, prunes) as well as grapes and strawberries. Note that Inspire Super should not be applied to sweet cherries.

Tree Fruit To Do List for NJ Growers

-Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent

The up and down weather of the last two months has made this spring a challenge to get things done on time. There are some key chores and activities that need to get done before the potential rain events forecast to begin Saturday and continue through Tuesday the 24th.
The following bulleted list are a few I can think of....

As I See It- Apple Thinning, Apogee, Fireblight

-Win Cowgill, Professor and Area Fruit Agent

Apples are in full Bloom in Hunterdon County, NJ. First bloom occurred on Krimps Pink on April 11 at Rutgers Snyder Farm. Bloom is three weeks early for us on apple and was four weeks early on peach.

With full bloom on apple for us and our NEWA fireblight disease forecasting system calling for sever fireblight risk Monday through this Thursday, we covered up all apples and pears in bloom Sunday night and Monday at the Rutgers Snyder Farm.

Frost Risk Continues Until May 5th for North Jersey

This video from NJ Today, featuring grower Adam Costello and Ag Agent Win Cowgill, concerns the freeze that occurred in the last week of March and the importance of staying alert for frost warnings until the risk is over. Based on the National Weather Service prediction of a major freeze, the DEP granted an emergency exemption allowing commercial farmers to use open burning in orchards, protecting the buds from freeze injury.

Apple IPM Report - April 17

  • Coddling Moth
  • Apple Scab, Powdery Mildew, Cedar Apple Rust
  • Fire Blight
  • Plum Curculio
Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM

Peach IPM Report - April 17

  • Oriental Fruit Moth
  • Green Peach Aphid
  • Thrips
  • Plum Curculio
  • Stink Bug & Other Catfacing Insects
  • Peach Diseases
Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM

Mark Chien's Wine Grape Information for the Region

Notes from the newsletter follow.
To subscribe to full newsletter, go to
  • Pennsylvania Research Symposium on May 23 at Penn State
  • Grape IPM guides and information
  • BIG research at work: solving grape growing and wine making challenges
  • Do you know eViticulture?

Peach IPM Report - Week 3/25 & 4/1

Western Flower Thrip Larva
This week's report includes:
✔ Petal Fall Insect Complex
✔ Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM)
✔ Green Peach Aphids (GPA)
✔ Thrips
✔ Bacterial Spot
✔ Rusty Spot
✔ Brown Rot
✔ Peach Scab

Dean Polk, Fruit IPM Agent and
David Schmitt, Eugene Rizio and Atanas Atanassov,
Program Associates, Tree Fruit IPM

Peach Leaf Curl Epidemiology and Control

Leaf curl on Redgold
Plant & Pest Advisory - February 28, 2012
Norman Lalancette, Ph.D.,
Specialist in Tree Fruit Pathology

Plum Curculio in Blueberry: New Rimon Label to be Available for 2012

In recent years, plum curculio infestation levels have increased in NJ causing significant contamination issues in harvested fruit of early blueberry cultivars. Our research this past year has resulted in an:
  • improved method of monitoring plum curculio populations - Pyramid traps baited with grandisoic acid and benzaldehyde allow for early detection and better timing of insecticide applications. 
  • improved method of control - The combination of a pre-bloom application of Rimon and a post-bloom application of Avaunt reduced larval emergence by about 50% compared with post-bloom Avaunt treatment alone.

Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide

The 2012 New Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide is available.  Based on Rutgers and USDA research results, combined with industry and grower knowledge and experience, the fruit production guide is intended to facilitate decision-making by the commercial grower.
Available for download at:
New Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide, 2012

Grape Expectations in February

Grape Expectations will be held February 25th at the Forsgate Country Club in Jamesburg, NJ. This is the annual viticulture and enology meeting for the NJ wine industry. For info and registration contact:
Gary Pavlis, Ag Agent Atlantic County

Time to Begin Apple Tree Pruning & Training

The warm weather we had through December prevented the trees from going fully dormant. I believe we have had adequate cold temperatures to begin pruning. Always start with your oldest apple trees first, followed by oldest pears and then oldest peaches and young trees last but in the same order.

Announcing NJAES Jersey Fruit Ag Updates

Rutgers NJAES Jersey Fruit Ag Updates consist of short, timely packets of information designed to be read quickly for field application by commercial growers. Content may include New Jersey field observations, pests to watch for, planting dates, maturity reports, or short pieces on effective cultural practices.

Subscribe via email by following the link in the upper left corner.

For comments or questions, contact a member of the Jersey Fruit Team.